eya saja...

assalamualaikum pembuka


nama ku nur nadhirah izyan..

umur kira sndri lah...nie tarikh.. 22.8.1993 hehe...

this blog is about my life..

my world...

and my music..

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Memory and Jodoh

There's a time we flash back our memory. Some of it sweet memory. Some of it, naaa.. But, how bitter that memory, we have to move on in life. we can't just stuck there forever. Right? Now, i've move on with "that" memory. Mr. N, hope your life getting better and better.

Dear sayang,

I'm sorry kalau anje dah buat salah dengan sayang. Maybe, i've hurt your feeling. So sorry my dear. Dear, berdoalah semoga Allah panjangkan jodoh kita. Anje tawu jodoh tu rahsia Allah. Tapi, semoga Allah kabulkan permintaan kita. You always in my heart and in my mind. Sayang selalu sabar dengan kerenah anje. So sweet of you. Macam anje cakap, kene sekali sebulan saja dan untung2 kene sehari je dalam sebulan tu. haha. So sorry syg. Anje xkan jumpa lelaki lain yang sabar dengan perangai anje. Hope you can face it. Sorry taw syg.. (~_0)

May Allah Bless

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